This research area aims to develop a systematic approach based on high-resolution regional climate modeling, statistical downscaling, high-performance computing, and big data analytics to facilitate the assessment and visualization of future climate risks at various spatial and temporal scales. The research focuses on five interlocking research tasks: (a) ensemble-based regional climate modeling for high-resolution climate projections; (b) stepwise-clustered statistical downscaling for impact-ready climate projections; (c) Bayes-based uncertainty quantification for probabilistic […]
This research area aims to develop an integrated hydroclimate and flooding risk assessment framework. It fills the gap in high-resolution hydroclimate data which is critically important for local stakeholders and resources managers to understand the magnitudes and/or directions of future climatic changes and take appropriate adaptive climate actions. The main activities include: (a) carrying out an integrated assessment of hydroclimate risks through the development of high-resolution climate projections (in the […]
This research area aims to explore nature-based and/or engineering-based solutions to protect coastal communities from coastal erosion and sea level rise and to increase the flooding resilience of both inland and coastal communities. The main objectives of this research area include: (a) increasing the awareness level of coastal climate impacts and resilience by utilizing drone technologies, satellite imagery, and geospatial visualization techniques; (b) improving the knowledge and skills of vulnerable […]
This research area aims to establish the first multi-institutional training program in Canada towards CLImate Smart Agriculture (CLISA) to help address the need for highly qualified personnel (HQP) through advancing the cutting-edge research in food security under climate change and enhancing Canada’s agricultural workforce. The training activities of the CLISA network will be specifically designed to address four key themes towards climate change and food security in Canada’s agricultural sector: […]
This research area aims to understand the potential impacts of climate change on both human and animal health. Some of the ongoing research projects in this research area include: mental health impacts of post-tropical storm Fiona in PEI, mental health impacts of coastal erosion in PEI, climate change impacts on cancer rates in Canada, climate change impacts on lobster and oyster production in PEI, climate change impacts on coastal ecosystems […]
This basically covers any areas that cannot directly fit into the above research areas. This is because climate change is affecting every aspect of our daily life, such as housing, transportation, tourism, energy supply, business, and so on. Given the broad impacts of climate change, our research here in Climate Smart Lab is transdisciplinary by nature. Some of the ongoing research projects in this area include: climate change impacts on […]
Here in the Climate Smart Lab, we are a group of people developing sustainable climate solutions with cutting-edge technologies to help build climate-resilient communities. Collectively, we are working together with experts from all disciplines to build a climate-smart future for the next generation and many generations to come.