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Data & Tools

PEI Climate Hazard & Risk Information System (CHRIS)

Year of Release: 2024

CHRIS provides a comprehensive GIS- and web-based tool to allow the general public and decision makers to explore the climate-related hazards and information for the Province of Prince Edward Island. CHRIS can be viewed via a web browser on any computers, tablets, and smartphones. However, due to the large-scale geospatial data included in CHRIS, we encourage you to use a computer or tablet to explore CHRIS for the best experience.

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PEI Ecosystem Carbon Flux App (CARBON)

Year of Release: 2024

CARBON provides a comprehensive GIS- and web-based tool to allow the general public and decision makers to explore the carbon emission, removal, and flux from the ecosystems in the Province of Prince Edward Island. CARBON can be viewed via a web browser on any computers, tablets, and smartphones. However, due to the large-scale geospatial data included in CARBON, we encourage you to use a computer or tablet to explore CARBON for the best experience.

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SIGMA – Real-Time Peak Flow Prediction Based on Signal Matching

Year of Release: 2022

The SIGMA model divides the target watershed into small zones and the heavy precipitation falling into each zone is collected into a small water tank. As the water tank moves downstream and arrives in the watershed outlet, it will discharge the collected precipitation and generate a small single-pulse streamflow signal. By combining all small signals coming from all zones within the watershed, we will be able to generate a synthesized peak flow signal. More details about this model can be found in this publication: The R source codes of SIGMA are available at GitHub:

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PEI Climate Atlas

Year of Release: 2022

PEI Climate Atlas provides spatially-interpolated 1km x 1km temperature and precipitation maps over the period of 1971-2020 (50 years) for the entire island of Prince Edward Island, Canada. It can help understand the spatial and temporal patterns of local climate in PEI over the past century.

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PEI Weather & Climate App

Year of Release: 2020

PEI Weather & Climate App provides real-time weather conditions across PEI reported by over 100 real-time weather stations, as well as long-term historical climate data for PEI. Users can view and download the weather and climate data through this user-friendly interface.

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PEI Storm Surge Early Warning System (PSSEWS)

Year of Release: 2019

PSSEWS provides real-time monitoring data of the sea levels measured at a number of harbours across Prince Edward Island, Canada. A warming message will be sent to customers once the distance from water surface to the top of wharf is less than 50 cm.

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PEI Climate Diary App

Year of Release: 2019

Climate Diary is developed to identify and record observations of naturally-occurring plant and animal life cycle events over time. These records will help scientists understand changes in the climate system and how these events are influenced by seasonal and interannual variations in climate.

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FloodMapper – An R Package for Urban Flood Prediction Under Heavy Precipitation

Year of Release: 2018

The FloodMapper model divides an irregular urban area into many small grid cells and is capable of reflecting the frequent inflow or outflow interactions among grid cells and capturing the rapid generation of surface runoff in urban areas during heavy rainfall. The model also accounts for typical characteristics of urban areas, such as large-scale impermeable surfaces and urban drainage systems. The model can capture the reverse-flow phenomenon in flat urban areas. More details about the model can be found at:

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rSCA Tree Generator

Year of Release: 2018

This free tool is created to automatically generate a cluster tree based on the tree and map files outputted from rSCA.

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Canada Climate Change Data Portal (CCDP)

Year of Release: 2017

Canada CCDP provides high-resolution climate projections for the entire country of Canada at a spatial resolution of 50 km. This portal was developed by Dr. Wang during his PhD at the University of Regina.

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China Climate Change Data Portal (CCDP)

Year of Release: 2017

China CCDP provides high-resolution climate projections for the entire country of China at a spatial resolution of 50 km. This portal was developed by Dr. Wang during his PhD at the University of Regina.

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Prairie Climate Change Data Portal (CCDP)

Year of Release: 2017

Prairie CCDP provides high-resolution climate projections for three Canadian prairie provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba) at a spatial resolution of 25 km. This portal was developed by Dr. Wang during his PhD at the University of Regina.

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Ontario Climate Change Data Portal (CCDP)

Year of Release: 2014

Ontario CCDP provides high-resolution climate projections for the province of Ontario at a spatial resolution of 25 km. This portal was developed by Dr. Wang during his PhD at the University of Regina.

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rSCA: An R Package for Stepwise Cluster Analysis

Year of Release: 2014

A statistical tool for multivariate modeling and clustering using stepwise cluster analysis. The modeling output of rSCA is constructed as a cluster tree to represent the complicated relationships between multiple dependent and independent variables. More details about the methods behind rSCA can be found at: |

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