Manzura Khan completed her MSc in Spring 2024 from Climate Smart Lab and she is now working as a Environmental Technician with Biovectra.
Toyin Adekanmbi completed her MSc in Spring 2023 from Climate Smart Lab and then worked as a climate change intern with the Government of PEI.
Junaid Maqsood worked as a Research Associate with Climate Smart Lab and he is now a Research Associate with the Business Analytics Centre at Holland College.
Charles Akintunde worked as an undergraduate research assistant with Climate Smart Lab.
Donald Jardine completed his MSc from Climate Smart Lab in 2020 and is now a Sessional Instructor in the School of Climate Change and Adaptation at the University of Prince Edward Island.
Dr. Shah worked a postdoctoral fellow with the Climate Smart Lab leading on several projects related to coastal flood social vulnerability assessment. He is now the Flood Management and Adaptation Lead in the Department of Environment and Climate Change, Government of Nova Scotia.
Dr. Tamayo-Vera completed her PhD in Fall 2024 from the Climate Climate Smart and she is now an Assistant Professor in the School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences at the University of Prince Edward Island.
Here in the Climate Smart Lab, we are a group of people developing sustainable climate solutions with cutting-edge technologies to help build climate-resilient communities. Collectively, we are working together with experts from all disciplines to build a climate-smart future for the next generation and many generations to come.