CLISA (CLImate Smart Agriculture) is the first multi-institutional training program in Canada towards climate smart agriculture to help address the need for HQPs who possess appropriate knowledge and expertise in climate change, precision agriculture, water and soil management, sustainable food production and food value chains, and climate-smart financing and policies to promote the development and application of innovative technologies and strategies in Canadian farming practices. The CLISA initiative is led by Dr. Xander […]
Dr. Xander Wang is among the 2025 award winners celebrated by ESIP. Below is the information derived from a recent news release posted on the ESIP website: “The Charles S. Falkenberg Award is a joint award through the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP). The award recognizes an early to mid-career scientist who has contributed to the quality of life, economic opportunities and stewardship of the […]
We have recently redesigned the website of Climate Smart Lab in order to help the visitors better explore our research activities with a cleaner user interface. The new website is now up running at its official domain: Previously, the website of Climate Smart Lab can also be accessed at other two different domains (i.e., and With this new update, these previous domains will be automatically forwarded to […]
The following paper about the advancement of machine learning techniques for potato yield prediction has been recently accepted for publication by npj Sustainable Agriculture. Tamayo-Vera, D., M. Mesbah, Y. Zhang, and X. Wang. Advanced Machine Learning for Regional Potato Yield Prediction: Analysis of Essential Drivers. npj Sustainable Agriculture, accepted on January 21, 2025. More details will come soon once the paper is published.
Title: Climate change impacts on coastal ecosystems Journal: Environmental Research: Climate DOI: Abstract: As the planet undergoes unprecedented climate changes, coastal ecosystems stand at the frontline of ocean-land interactions and environmental changes. This overview explores the various climate-related challenges transforming coastal ecosystems and their responses to these pressures. Key climate-related stressors—including warming, sea level rise, ocean acidification, changes to freshwater availability, and shifts in circulation and disturbance patterns—pose significant […]
Title: Reconstruction of long-term hourly sea level data for Prince Edward Island, Canada Journal: Scientific Data DOI: Abstract: Regional sea level rise has been regarded a key factor in understanding of climate change impact to coastal communities. As a vulnerable island to sea level rise and storm surges, the province of Prince Edward Island (PEI) in Canada lacks sufficient long-term island-wide historic record of sea level data. This has […]
Title: An inclusive approach to crop soil moisture estimation: Leveraging satellite thermal infrared bands and vegetation indices on Google Earth engine Journal: Agricultural Water Management DOI: Abstract: Soil moisture estimation is critical for environmental and agricultural sustainability, with its spatial and temporal variation playing a key role in drought monitoring and understanding climate change. The region of Prince Edward Island (PEI), Atlantic Canada’s largest potato producer, is facing irregular […]
Title: Piping Plover Habitat Changes and Nesting Responses Following Post-Tropical Cyclone Fiona on Prince Edward Island, Canada Journal: Remote Sensing DOI: Abstract: Climate change is driving regime shifts across ecosystems, exposing species to novel challenges of extreme weather, altered disturbances, food web disruptions, and habitat loss. For disturbance-dependent species like the endangered piping plover (Charadrius melodus), these shifts present both opportunities and risks. While most piping plover populations show […]
Title: Evaluating wind and solar complementarity in China: Considering climate change and source-load matching dynamics Journal: Energy DOI: Abstract: Changes in wind and solar energy due to climate change may reduce their complementarity, thus affecting the stable power supply of the power system. This paper investigates the wind and solar complementarity in China under climate change from the perspective of source-load matching. First, the ability of the PRECIS model […]
Dr. Xander Wang, director of the Climate Smart Lab, has been awarded the prestigious American Geophysical Union’s (AGU) Charles S. Falkenberg Award for his outstanding contributions to the advancement of geospatial data visualization technology to increase public awareness of climate change. Sponsored by AGU and the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP), the award recognizes an early to mid-career scientist who has contributed to the quality of life, economic opportunities, and stewardship of the planet through the […]
Here in the Climate Smart Lab, we are a group of people developing sustainable climate solutions with cutting-edge technologies to help build climate-resilient communities. Collectively, we are working together with experts from all disciplines to build a climate-smart future for the next generation and many generations to come.