This research area aims to establish the first multi-institutional training program in Canada towards CLImate Smart Agriculture (CLISA) to help address the need for highly qualified personnel (HQP) through advancing the cutting-edge research in food security under climate change and enhancing Canada’s agricultural workforce. The training activities of the CLISA network will be specifically designed to address four key themes towards climate change and food security in Canada’s agricultural sector: Theme I – Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change, Theme II – Agricultural GHG Emissions Reduction, Theme III – Sustainable Food Production and Food Value Chains, and Theme IV – Finance and Policy for Climate Smart Agriculture. The CLISA network is led by Dr. Xander Wang with funding support from the NSERC CREATE program.
Here in the Climate Smart Lab, we are a group of people developing sustainable climate solutions with cutting-edge technologies to help build climate-resilient communities. Collectively, we are working together with experts from all disciplines to build a climate-smart future for the next generation and many generations to come.